# steering file based on example from Sherpa 1.2.2 distribution: # share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/LEP91/Run.dat # # also, see more details on the example here: # http://projects.hepforge.org/sherpa/doc/SHERPA-MC-1.2.2.html#LEP91 (run){ # disable colorizing of text printed on screen: PRETTY_PRINT = Off # number of events: EVENTS = 100000 # set random seed: # (see section "6.1.3 RANDOM_SEED" of Sherpa manual for details) RANDOM_SEED = 1 1 # Event output file: HEPMC2_GENEVENT_OUTPUT = sherpa # full name of output file will be: # "sherpa.hepmc2g" # LEP: Make particles with c*tau > 100 mm stable: # (E.g., K0S, Lambda, Sigma, Xi, Omega are treated as *unstable*.) MAX_PROPER_LIFETIME = 100.0 # disable splitting of HepMC output file: FILE_SIZE = 1000000000 }(run) (beam){ BEAM_1 = 11; BEAM_ENERGY_1 = 98.5; BEAM_2 = -11; BEAM_ENERGY_2 = 98.5; }(beam) # switch off ISR (LEP data already corrected for ISR effect) (isr){ ISR_1 = Off ISR_2 = Off # switch off lepton PDFs PDF_SET_1 = No PDF_SET_2 = No } ## For Four-jet angles, no hadronization, uncomment this #(fragmentation){ # FRAGMENTATION = Off #}(fragmentation) (processes){ Process 11 -11 -> 93 93 93{3}; CKKW pow(10,-2.25); Order_EW 2; End process; Process 11 -11 -> 5 -5 93{3}; CKKW pow(10,-2.25); Order_EW 2; End process; }(processes) #(selector){ # # Set cuts # # Use this for hard leading jets in a certain pT window # NJetFinder 2 0 0.0 1.0 # set min pT # ## Or this? # #PT 93 0 197 # # # Use this for hard leading jets in a certain mass window # Mass 93 93 0 197 # #}(selector) (model){ ORDER_ALPHAS = 0 MASSIVE[5] = 1 }(model) (me){ ME_SIGNAL_GENERATOR = Internal Comix }(me) # Parameter specifications for 'default': # --------------------------------------------- #%tuneFile% # ---------------------------------------------