# BEGIN HISTOGRAM /ATLAS_2011_S9128077/d06-x01-y01 Path=/ATLAS_2011_S9128077/d06-x01-y01 60 70 80 163.613 94.462 94.462 80 95 110 0 0 0 110 135 160 0 0 0 160 185 210 0 0 0 # END HISTOGRAM # BEGIN HISTOSTATS /ATLAS_2011_S9128077/d06-x01-y01 Path=/ATLAS_2011_S9128077/d06-x01-y01 60 70 80 3 3272.2606581 3569229.93818301 214400.582498595 14082900.9787875 80 95 110 0 0 0 0 0 110 135 160 0 0 0 0 0 160 185 210 0 0 0 0 0 # END HISTOSTATS # BEGIN METADATA beam=pp blend=1 crosssection=4.10412e+07 cuts=atlas2011-akt4-j4 energy=7000 generator=alpgenpythia6 nevts=21000 observable=pt params=28 process=jets revision=%revision% rivet=3.1.0 samples_crosssection=39950421.759:1090753.5527 samples_nevts=20000:1000 samples_nfill=0:3 samples_weights=1:1 seed=111358:111358 specific=2,1:4,0 status=VALIDATED tune=z2-CTEQ6L1 version=2.1.4_6.426 # END METADATA # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2011_S9128077/d06-x01-y01 Title=Transverse momentum of the 4th leading jet ($R=0.4$) XLabel=$p_perp$(4th jet) [GeV] YLabel=$mathrm{d}sigma/mathrm{d}p_perp$ [pb/GeV] # END PLOT