[madgraph5amc] # suffix keyword '[QCD]' means activate NLO QCD corrections generate p p > l+ l- [QCD] display processes display particles display multiparticles # generate .ps with digrams pictures #display diagrams # '-f' to force rewrite of existing MG5RUN/ subdirectory output MG5RUN -f # '-p' to Stop the run after the parton level file generation launch MG5RUN -p # set which parton-shower code will be used on LesHouches events after MG5 run set parton_shower PYTHIA8 set nevents 100000 set iseed 0 set lpp1 1 set lpp2 -1 set ebeam1 980. set ebeam2 980. # Min inv. mass of all opp. sign same-flavor lepton pairs set mll_sf 50 [pythia8] Main:numberOfEvents = 100000 ! number of events to generate Next:numberShowEvent = 0 ! suppress full listing of first events Init:showChangedParticleData = off ! suppress changes particle data (a lot of output with LHE) # random seed Random:setSeed = on Random:seed = 0 # pythia8 showering # http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/pythia82html/LesHouchesAccord.html Beams:frameType = 4 Beams:LHEF = /shared/tmp/tmp.y2tJBqnHFJ/MG5RUN/Events/run_01/events.lhe