Generator / tune

Pythia 6 (357:T16) versions validation


incl. 5% "theory uncertainty" on all points
max worst max worst max
6.426 <Δ> 6.427 <Δ> 6.428
min best min best min
ee → ee : γ*/Z (hadronic) 53 +3.3 56 +3.2 220
1.8 0 1.8 +0.60 2.4
0.0000035 -1.4 0.00049 -2.5 0.00055
pp/ppbar → bb 29 +1.3 29 +7.1 150
9.0 -0.20 8.8 +8.2 17
0.31 -1.4 0.34 -0.75 0.31
pp/ppbar → Elastic 21 -0.012 19 +3.4 22
18 -1.0 17 +2.0 19
15 -1.7 15 +0.022 15
pp/ppbar → Jets 320 +68 320 +220 380
81 -4.0 77 +83 160
0.00066 -71 0.00084 -5.0 0.0013
pp/ppbar → Soft QCD (inelastic) 100 +54 120 +120 240
7.5 -1.2 6.3 +3.3 9.6
0.00027 -14 0.000091 -70 0.00027
pp/ppbar → Soft QCD (nsd only) 36 +3.6 39 +5.3 38
6.6 +0.60 7.2 +0.90 8.1
0.40 -0.52 0.23 -3.8 0.25
pp/ppbar → Total σ 2.0 +0.0050 2.0 -0.0034 2.0
2.0 0 2.0 0 2.0
2.0 +0.0050 2.0 -0.0034 2.0
pp/ppbar → Top (parton level)
? ? ?
pp/ppbar → Top (tt) 140 +22 150 +63 170
8.2 +0.60 8.8 +2.2 11
0.0091 -9.4 0.0082 -5.2 0.0044
pp/ppbar → Underlying Event 66 +3.9 64 +6.3 67
6.5 +0.80 7.3 0 7.3
0.017 -4.8 0.012 -7.4 0.018
pp/ppbar → W+Jet 6.7 +0.79 5.1 +3.2 8.3
3.6 0 3.6 -0.10 3.5
2.5 -0.37 2.8 -0.90 0.89
pp/ppbar → Z+Jet 330 +68 290 +210 380
110 -10 100 +70 170
0.33 -68 0.26 -2.9 0.24
pp/ppbar → Z (Drell-Yan) 38 +3.5 39 +8.6 46
18 -1.0 17 +2.0 19
0.59 -1.5 0.26 -0.85 0.43

Legend: [ χ2 < 1 ] / [ 1 ≤ χ2 < 4 ] / [ 4 ≤ χ2 ]

(click on number in the table cell to see individual observables)

The page data is based on 11300 histograms.